Objective Detail
We take the complexities of biomechanical research and funnel them down to a classroom level of understanding for the physical educator. For example, we have 20 joints observed on 3 planes of movement for 5 phases of the overhand throw. That is over 100 kinematic variables calculated by the AssessLinkPE software in a matter of seconds. [Read More]
For Teachers by Teachers
From the outset of this project, we have always had the educator in mind. The software is made by PE teachers for PE teachers. Everything from the importing of student rosters from popular programs to being able to test multiple students quickly we have always been designing this program for teachers.
Simple to Complex
We understand not all educators feel the same way about technology which is why we have two modes of viewing testing data. The first is the more complex view so that a deep understanding of how close the student is to accomplishing the desired body positioning, and the second is a simpler view that give feedback directly to the educator so they can pass it on to the student. Both views come standard with the AssessLinkPE software. [Read More]
Matter Again
When the massive education law No Child Left Behind Act was passed in 2001, physical education was pushed aside as reading and math scores became the only point of concern for many school districts. Physical education has always struggled to quantify and validate our teaching effectiveness when instructing skills and developing mature levels physical competence. Join us in validating the importance of physical education by proving that students are learning in the gym.